Here is how to lose in life.

Compare yourself to others.

There are many ways to win in life. The internet is littered with ways to become successful. However, if you shoot yourself in the foot while trying to run, you will never win.

We live in a world where being better than someone else seems to be the key to victory. But it seems we all compare our weaknesses to other people’s strengths. Theodore Roosevelt’s advice is priceless: “Comparison is the thief of joy”. People spend so much time trying to achieve things they don’t know if they want to impress people they don’t know if they like.

Why do so many people want the perfect house, the perfect car, the perfect body? (I’m guilty of all of these). What about just being a better spouse, a better friend, and a better parent? I think I would get more value out of being a better service provider to my customers, a better father to my son, and a better husband to my wife. After all what good is an empty perfect house, a clean sports car that only ever seats YOU, and only being admired for six pack abs?

What do YOU want to be known for? What do you want to leave behind when you’re gone?

How about helping others in this life? How about making a difference, even if it is just to your own family and friends? How about striving for personal growth? That is actually where Roosevelt’s advice may NOT be true. Comparison will NOT steal your joy if you compare yourself and MOVE at the same time. If you compare yourself to someone with a perfect house, car or body, and that gets YOU moving towards achieving your goals, starting that dream business, or finally using that gym membership, comparison can actually lead to your joy. It has been said that “when you compare, you despair”, but that is only true if you compare, and sit on your couch. Comparison that drives you, motivates you, and gets you into ACTION, is actually good for you. Comparison paired with Action is a Vitality Vitamin. It gives you life.

So move!

Or stop scrolling the Facebook and Instagram feeds…