Welcome Trauma Informed Conflict Management & Resiliency Specialist / Workplace Assessment & Restoration / Consultant / International Trauma Informed Workshop Facilitator Treena Reilkoff.

Treena Reilkoff is a certified Resiliency trainer with experience in trauma informed practice and promoting strategies and optimizing resiliency. Her professional background is diverse and includes working in the fields of mental health, behavioural analysis, corrections, ADR and social work.

She brings more than 25 years of experience providing service to persons and groups who have experienced trauma, in diverse, complex and high-risk environments. Having served organizations across Canada (government, correctional facilities, schools, hospitals, sporting organizations, indigenous communities) by providing critical incident stress management, employee assistance, occupational health and safety consulting, and union leadership,

Treena possesses deep insight into the nature of resiliency.

Stay connected with Trina: LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/treena-re… Website – www.tlrsolutions4conflict.ca Email – treenareilkoff@tlr-mediation-wfa.com